Saturday, January 24, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

Dear Mom/Dad

Before I go into any details I should probably inform you that i am 100% fine. I'm living in the 5th arrondisment, and the shootings happened in a different section of Paris. I heard about it on the news and its a huge deal over here. Are people talking about it back in Marin at all? well if not i guess i should fill you in a bit. So there was this satirical publisher called Charlie Hebdo, he publishes a lot of very politically contriversal things and makes fun of everything. Recently he published an article about the prophet Mohammed. This is against the muslim religion the french government and a group of people took it into their own gads to make things "right" and they ended up shooting and killing them. now there is a huge disagreement around everyone. many people believe that the publisher shouldn't have published this article in the first place, knowing that the muslim were so strongly against it. But also a ton of people believe that they had a right to express whatever they wanted. One huge law in France is the freedom of speech and people rely on it very much. This means that they are allowed to express their oppinions in whatever way they want. in my personal opinion, although i think it was morally wrong for them to publish that since they knew how it could affect muslims, they also should have most definitely not been killed for it! they do have freedom of speech so they have the right to publish anything at all but whether or not they should have is a whole other discussion, anyway i just wanted to let you know whats going on in france!